Who is Behind the Gift Box Project

Welcome to the Gift Box Project which is now in its 25th year of helping needy children in Eastern Europe.
For those of you new to the appeal this is a humanitarian appeal. We send Gift Boxes to needy children in Eastern Europe, children who have never had a gift, many living way below the poverty line in desperate conditions.
Let me tell you how this project started.
I am Tyrrian Livesley, founder of the project/appeal in 1996. It started in the Cub Scouts Pack 130, from a discussion on wanting the scouts to do something positive at Christmas for children not as fortunate as they were.
I found an organization that would collect the boxes from us and distribute them to children in Eastern Europe. This seemed the perfect solution.
Making gift boxes was a simple, positive activity that all children could do.
Since our small beginnings of around 40 boxes we have progressed to over 3,400 boxes last year and to date have helped over 49,500 children receive a Gift Box of love.
Each one of these boxes has brought happiness, hope and enjoyment to a small child and for others it has also been life changing.
We hope you will help us with your participation in continuing this project helping needy children to feel loved.
Let me now introduce you to the organizing team who will also happily help answer any questions you may have.
Tyrrian Livesley: tyrrian48@gmail.com
Hi, I am Tyrrian, founder of the Gift Box Project. I come from the North of England and came to Switzerland in 1974 for one year, 46 years later I am still here! I love this project for many reasons. Firstly it's for children to help other children, something very difficult for a child to do. I also enjoy working with the schools and companies who help the project. Through the Gift Boxes I have met many lovely people who have helped us from giving donations to loading the truck. It's truly a hands on project of helping children in need and letting them know they have not been forgotten.
​Sandra Holtom: s_holtom@yahoo.co.uk
Hi, my name is Sandra and I'm a volunteer. I was born and raised in Latvia, but I have lived and worked overseas for the past 20 years. My family and I moved to Switzerland three years ago, most of which time I have enjoyed helping others in our local community. Supporting children in need through the Gift Box Project is a fantastic way to put smiles on their faces.
Jo Colehan: jocolehan@gmail.com
Hi, I´m Jo, a British mother to two teenagers. I lived in Dubai and Thailand before moving to Switzerland eight years ago. I am proud to be involved in the Gift Box Project, knowing that my time and effort as part of the team to put together gift boxes are helping to put a smile on a child's face.
Carolin M. Sismondi: carolin.kober@googlemail.com
Hello I am Carolin. I am half-German, half-Bulgarian and I grew up in Germany. Over the past years I have worked in different countries and sectors. As I have family in Eastern Europe I know of the poverty there. The Gift Box Project is an amazing way of involving our kids (including mine), that are so privileged, to help children that don't have so much. It is a wonderful experience to see the whole process, from the beginning, of how the children prepare a box, to the end where the children receive it. The smiles on their faces are priceless.
Eivi Gornall: eivi.gornall@gmail.com
Hi, I’m Eivi from Estonia. Living in Switzerland has brought me together with wonderful people and projects, one of which is Gift Box Project. I love the values of the appeal, the idea of one child to help another simply by giving and making a difference in somebody’s life.
Thank you and warm regards.
Tyrrian Livesley and her team