Our welcome introduction video - on how to make a box:
Please make your box for individual children, 6-bottle wine cartons or similar are the perfect size, not very large or small boxes.
School bags make the perfect "Box", also reusable for school.
​Make as many boxes as you wish but each box must be for only one child, no shared boxes.
​ Boxes must be unisex therefore appropriate for all children - boys or girls aged 4-14 years.
​Fill the box with the required items, see below lists with video.
Then seal the box and gift wrap, print out the customs label and attach to the wrapped box.
Make carrying their box home easier by attaching a strong reusable shopping bag to put the box in, getting home may be a long walk down a rough track!
Please remember if your child can't carry the box neither will they so not too heavy.
Love school bags and back packs as reusable for school. Please put in a strong plastic bag or wrap with Clingfilm (paper rips too easily) winding it round the bag a number of times covering the catches for safety and holding the straps tightly for transport.
Making a gift box is so easy!
Below you will find the customs label to be attached to your gift box; it is also your reference list of box requirements.
​Boxes do not have to be expensive, using own brands or budget range.
For example all four toiletries can cost less than CHF 4, the price of a branded shampoo!
​School supplies, biscuits and sweets can also be own brand products, i.e. a €1 school book is equally as good as a €5 one, etc.
Each box or school bag should contain the items listed below:

School Supplies
Education is important so boxes must contain school supplies!
​Schools do not supply school items, therefore parents need to provide them. If they can't afford to feed the family they can't afford school needs. Result, the child does not go to school.
Must include:
writing pens and pencils (about 4 of each)
1 set of coloured drawing pencils/felt tips
2 school exercise books (about 50 pages each)
pencil sharpener

Must include:
Need to last several months.
​Toiletries do not need to be expensive as explained above, i.e. the four items - toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and shampoo - bought at budget prices cost less than CHF 4!
toothbrush (for hygiene in original packing)
toothpaste (a large tube please)
soap (wrapped in foil)
shampoo and/or shower gel (sealed with scotch tape against leaking)

Sweets & biscuits
Again budget lines are fine.
​No homemade food, nuts or liquids due to possible customs problems!
​Important for health and customs controls: sell by date must be April 2023 or later.

Every box must include toys for both boys and girls.
Please NO war toys, books and toys needing written instructions (language problems) or those needing batteries (families unable to replace the batteries due to cost!).
Must include:
2 bars of chocolate
250 grams of other candy (strong flavours wrapped in foil)
boxed biscuits or 3 or 4 individually wrapped biscuits (Twix, Kit Kat, Prince, etc)
Must include for example:
3 or 4 small toys and a soft toy (5-14 years)
possible ideas: cars, dolls, bubbles, Lego, toy animals, skipping ropes, games, puzzles, bouncy balls (clean tennis balls work fine), etc.
These must be toys for boys and girls, think cars also think dolls!

Clothing Optional
Only hats, gloves, scarves can be pre-used, socks new ones only.
!Please note - Unfortunately we can't accept the following items!
toys with batteries
war toys, guns, knives
board games, playing cards, books (language problems)
opened food items, expiry date (min 6 months)
homemade foods
used, damaged, old, dirty items
clothes (except hats, gloves, scarves and new socks)
boxes for families, babies, homes or extra large boxes (boxes as explained should be the approx size of a 6-bottle wine carton)
please do not put your address or photos of your homes in the boxes (for your safety)
Due to increasing problems and delays at the customs, a customs label must be attached to the outside of each wrapped box, school bag or backpack.
​Please print or copy and paste customs label. You can find it below in Download Customs Label.
Please tick off the items you have put in the box.
​Information on website and also on our FB page Gift Box Supporters Geneva.
For drop-off points please email nearer the time for further information.
​Thank you for helping the Gift Box Project to make needy children very happy!