
One happy little girl
Dascha is 4 1/2 and lives with her mother, grandmother and great grandmother in a very small flat.
Dascha is a little ray of sunshine, she hugs everyone, she is very happy with the visit and the attention given to her. She babbles endlessly and cries when we all leave.
Mila 24, the mother of the little girl, works at the reception of a veterinary clinic, 300 km from the house. She only sees her daughter 3 times a year, as trips back home are too expensive.
During the 2014 war all the family lost their jobs, and very often they had to hide in the, in the cold and damp cellars because of the fighting and bombs. One day her grandfather and 4 local men went to work in the East, intending
to earn enough to feed their families. But none of them came back and no news.
They had a big shock one day when at home they heard a hissing sound from outside. Going to check they found an unexploded bomb under their bedroom window. Their neighbour carefully dug it up and took it to the
forest where it was carefully destroyed. If the bomb had exploded, their house would have been completely destroyed and would most likely have killed Dascha and her family.
Living in a container
This family lives in a village in the far east of Ukraine the mother and her 4 children have lived in 2 narrow containers with very little space for 7 years!
She said that they almost went crazy, when due to the Corona virus the whole family had to stay inside for 1 month.
Thanks to a local group the girls have been helped in joining dancing classes, now dancing is their passion and they love to practice every day. Both are so proud of their dresses they want to wear them all the time.
The family all loved their wonderful gifts and said, “Thank you to the lovely people in Switzerland for giving us such wonderful gifts”.
Did you see the label on the boxes they come from one of you, it was in our collection!